Saturday, December 28, 2013


This is my winter interlude. That last part is fun to say. Winter interlude. I live in limbo; the intermission between two sagas. This is the part of the movie that the director inserts a montage backed up by nostalgic music to provide inspiration and meaning and connect plot point A to plot point B. In plain terms, not much is happenin'.

The last two weeks have been spent watching movies, eating holiday feasts, visiting family members, and gathering supplies for the coming voyage. Mostly, I've been lying around doing nothing of significance.

It's even difficult to read, watch a movie, or do anything requiring extended focus. It's either anxiety or eager anticipation of what awaits. I think a lot about everything that could go wrong or right; twisting over hypothetical scenarios and debacles. It's terrifically frightening. No plans, no control, no gaurantee.

Heck, I'm tired of reading books, watching movies, reading blogs. I want do something. Be alive! Stories only go so far.

Rex (works with my dad) graciously donated a backpack. Before, I was going to take my Jansport from school. I got a good sleeping bag, some base layer clothing, boots, a tent, and other necessities. Most of these were provided with the help of my dad. He's pretty gung-ho.

I spent the other night in the backyard. Lying in my sleeping bag, looking up at the grey, nylon tent ceiling, I surveyed my 4' x 8' living quarters. Home indeed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm anxious for you to start already! I can't believe you got me reading blogs now -.-' haha, take care.
    -Jean Davila
    P.S I don't promise not to comment on all of your posts, you know how much I talk and this should've been expected.
